Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Algorithm Cheat Sheet

What you can do with machine learning algorithms. Machine learning algorithms help you answer questions that are too complex to answer through manual analysis. There are many different machine learning algorithm types, but use cases for machine learning algorithms typically fall into one of. Build responsible machine learning solutions. Access state-of-the-art responsible machine learning capabilities to understand, protect, and control your data, models, and processes. Explain model behavior during training and inferencing, and build for fairness by detecting and mitigating model bias.

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Algorithm Cheat Sheet 2020

The Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Algorithm Cheat Sheet helps you choose the right algorithm for a predictive analytics model.

Azure Machine Learning Studio has a large library of algorithms from the regression,classification, clustering, and anomaly detection families. Each is designed to address a different type of machine learning problem.

Download: Machine learning algorithm cheat sheet

Download the cheat sheet here: Machine Learning Algorithm Cheat Sheet (11×17 in.)

Download and print the Machine Learning Algorithm Cheat Sheet in tabloid size to keep it handy and get help choosing an algorithm.


Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Algorithm Cheat Sheet Pdf

See the article What machine learning algorithm should I use? for a detailed guide to using this cheat sheet.

More help with algorithms

Azure Cheat Sheet Pdf

  • For a deeper discussion of the different types of machine learning algorithms, how they’re used, and how to use this cheat sheet for choosing the right algorithm, see What machine learning algorithm should I use?
  • For a list by category of all the machine learning algorithms available in Machine Learning Studio, see Initialize Model in the Machine Learning Studio Algorithm and Module Help.
  • For a complete list of algorithms and modules in Machine Learning Studio, see A-Z list of Machine Learning Studio modules in Machine Learning Studio Algorithm and Module Help.
  • To download and print a diagram that gives an overview of the capabilities of Machine Learning Studio, see Overview diagram of Azure Machine Learning Studio capabilities.

Algorithm Cheat Sheet Pdf

Note: For more information-go to Cheat Sheet .