
Citrix workspace 2012 download
  • What I did is deleted 2 folders called Citrix. One in the registry and one in the user's profile folder. This is the registry file I deleted. HKEYCURRENTUSER SOFTWARE Citrix. Before I deleted the folder from the profile, I opened the task manager, then ended all the Citrix related processes that were running. Except for ssonsvr.exe.
  • We recommend using Citrix Workspace as it provides the most reliable and full-featured experience for Desktop @ UCL Anywhere users. Alternatively you can access a 'light' version of Desktop @ UCL Anywhere via just your web browser.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Citrix Workspace (formerly Citrix Workspace Suite) is a digital workspace software platform developed by Citrix Systems that allows multiple users to remotely access and operate Microsoft Windows desktops running in a datacenter or a public or private cloud, via devices located elsewhere.

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The following section describes the different editions of Citrix Receiver for Windows on Windows 10 OS and steps to find out the version of Receiver installed on the endpoint.

The following table describes the edition of Citrix Receiver for Windows installed from Microsoft store based on Windows 10 OS and client end points

Ucl citrix workspace
Endpoint DevicesWindows 10 OS greater than or equal to 16299.15 [Fall Creators Update] Windows 10 OS lesser than 16299.15 [Fall Creators Update]
Mobile, IoT, Mixed reality headsets, Surface hubCitrix Receiver for Universal Windows Platform will be installed on the end point device from the Microsoft storeCitrix Receiver for Universal Windows Platform will be installed on the end point device from the Microsoft store
Desktops, Surface Pro, Tablets, Windows 10 S

Receiver for Windows Store Edition will be installed on the end point device from the Microsoft store

Note: This edition of Citrix Receiver is based on the existing Win 32 Receiver and built using the Microsoft Desktop Bridge technology

Receiver for Universal Windows Platform will be installed on the end point device from the Microsoft store

Citrix Workspace Download

The following table describes the steps to find out the version/Edition of Citrix Receiver for Windows installed on the Windows 10 endpoint either manually or through Microsoft Store

Ucl Citrix Workspace Client

Citrix Receiver Installed on End PointSteps to find out the Edition/Version of Windows Receiver
Citrix Receiver for Windows
  • Citrix Receiver entry will be available under the Add/Remove programs in control panel
  • Version of the Citrix Receiver :
  • Add/Remove programs
  • Go to systray->Right click on Citrix Receiver -> Click on Advanced Preferences -> Click on Support Info link
Citrix Receiver for Windows (Store) edition
  • Citrix Receiver entry will not be available under Add/Remove programs in control panel
  • The Installation location will be under “C:Program FilesWindowsApps”
  • Version of the Citrix Receiver :
  • Go to systray->Right click on Citrix Receiver -> Click on Advanced Preferences -> Click on Support Info link
Citrix Receiver for Universal Windows Platform
  • Citrix Receiver entry will not be available under Add/Remove programs in control panel
  • The Installation location will be under “C:Program FilesWindowsApps”
  • Version of the Citrix Receiver :
  • Launch the Receiver and click on Settings -> Click on About tab

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Note: Steps to find Windows version:

Ucl Citrix Workspace Login

Open command prompt and type “Winver” command, the version of Windows will be obtained as shown below: