Groupware is business software for the organization of an efficient collaboration of employees and team work inside a company. The main advantage of using such business solutions is the creation of a one informational environment within one company. All employees now work using a business software solution and communicate in it. Vitabio 그룹웨어에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 점검공지 2021년 4월24일(토) 22:0006:00 시스템 점검안내 2021-04-19.
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- 3 Installing Horde Groupware
This document contains instructions for installing Horde Groupware on yoursystem.
For information on the capabilities and features of Horde Groupware, see thefile README in the top-level directory of the Horde Groupware distribution.
These are very terse instructions how to install Horde Groupware and itsprerequisites on a LAMP sytem. They are addressed to experienced administratorswho know exactly what they are doing. For more detailed instructions, startreading below at Prerequisites.
Compiling PHP for Apache 2:
Restart Apache.
Register Horde PEAR channel:
Set Horde installation directory:
Install Horde Groupware:
Run installation script:
Test Horde Groupware:
The following prerequisites are REQUIRED for Horde Groupware to functionproperly.
A webserver that supports PHP.
Horde Groupware is primarily developed under the Apache and Lighttpdwebservers, which we recommend. These servers are available from:
A web server with PATH_INFO support.
The dynamic interfaces of Horde Groupware requires a web server thatcorrectly sets the PATH_INFO environment variable for all PHP scripts. Everymodern web server supports this, but you might have to enable this featurein the web server configuration. e.g. Apache servers require:
Lighttpd servers require:
PHP 5.3.0 or above.
PHP is the interpreted language in which Horde Groupware is written.
If possible, you should install PHP with your operating system'spackage manager. Alternatively you build PHP yourself.
To build PHP from sources, you can obtain it at
Follow the instructions in the PHP package to build PHP for your system. Ifyou use Apache, be sure to build PHP as a library with one of the followingoptions:
options to ./configure, and not as a standalone executable.
The following PHP options are REQUIRED by Horde Groupware (listed withtheir own prerequisites and configure options). In many cases, the requiredlibraries and tools can be obtained as packages from your operating systemvendor.
Gettext support. --with-gettext
Gettext is the GNU Translation Project's localization library. HordeGroupware uses gettext to provide local translations of text displayed byapplications. Information on obtaining the gettext package is availableat
See also note below on configuring Translations.
XML and DOMXML support.
XML and DOM support are enabled in PHP 5 by default. You only have tomake sure that you do not use --disable-dom,--disable-simplexml, or --disable-xml.
Make sure you are using a newer version of libxml. Older version oflibxml (e.g. 2.6.26) have been reported to be partially broken whenhandling certain charsets.
The following PHP options are RECOMMENDED to enable advanced featuresin Horde Groupware:
File Upload Support
File upload support is required to allow various importing featuresto work. To enable file upload support:
In your php.ini file, the following line must be present:
Your temporary upload directory must be writable to the userthe web server is running as. If you leave the configurationoption upload_tmp_dir blank in php.ini, PHP will use thedefault directory compiled into it (normally /tmp onUnix-like systems).
Set the maximum size of the uploaded files via theupload_max_filesize configuration option in php.ini. Forexample, to allow 5 MB attachments, place the following line inyour php.ini file:
If either file_uploads is turned off, or your temporary uploaddirectory is not writable by the server, all file upload functionalitywill be disabled by Horde Groupware and will not be available to theuser.
See the File Uploads FAQ entry for further information.
A preferences container.
Horde Groupware can store user preferences in an SQL database, an LDAPdirectory, an IMSP server, a Kolab server, or in PHP sessions. An SQLdatabase is used and configured by default.
For SQL database preferences storage, Horde Groupware is thoroughlytested on MySQL(i) (--with-mysql(i)) and PostgreSQL(--with-pgsql), and has been reported to work with SQLite (enabled bydefault).
Preferences can also be stored via LDAP (--with-ldap), Kolab(--with-ldap), and IMSP.
Alternatively, preferences can be stored in PHP sessions, whichrequires no external programs or configure options, but which will notmaintain preferences between sessions.
While the LDAP, database, Kolab, or IMSP server need not be running onthe machine onto which you are installing Horde Groupware, theappropriate client libraries to access the server must be availablelocally.
If a preference container is not configured, no preference options willbe configurable via Horde Groupware's web interface - the default valuesstored in each applications config/prefs.php file will be used.
UTF-8 support (mbstring and iconv extensions) --enable-mbstring
If these extensions are enabled, Horde Groupware can better supportmultibyte character sets like UTF-8.
For iconv support you should use the GNU libiconv library, which is morestable and supports more charsets, compared to other iconvimplementations, like Solaris', for example.
Iconv support is enabled by default in PHP 5. You only have to make surethat you do not use --without-iconv
GD support --with-gd
Horde Groupware will use the GD extension to perform manipulations onimage data through the Horde_Image library.
If you want GD to be able to work with PNG images, you should use the--with-png-dir option to make sure PHP can find the PNG librariesit needs to compile.
If you want GD to be able to work with JPEG images, you should use the--with-jpeg-dir option to make sure PHP can find the JPEG librariesit needs to compile.
You can also use the imagick extension or the ImageMagick package to dothese manipulations instead. The imagick extension is the recommendedmethod for image manipulation. See the Image Manipulation tab of theHorde configuration for more details.
tidy --with-tidy
The tidy PHP extension is required to sanitize HTML data.
OpenSSL support --with-openssl
The OpenSSL PHP extension is used by Horde Groupware to provide S/MIMEsupport. Without the extension, all S/MIME options will be disabled.
Additionally, the OpenSSL PHP extension is REQUIRED if using TLS or SSLto connect to a server.
See for information on compiling OpenSSLinto PHP.
Allows Horde modules to guess the MIME type of files by analyzingtheir contents.
This module is automatically enabled by default.
intl --enable-intl
The intl module is required to handle display of InternationalizedDomain Names (see RFC 3490), e.g in e-mail addresses.
The curl extension, if installed, will be used instead of PHP'sfopen() when retrieving data from external HTTP servers (remotecalendars, web APIs, etc.). This is much more reliable and flexible, soit is recommended to either enable it or install the http extension.
This extension can be enabled by adding the --with-curl option whencompiling PHP.
FTP support --with-ftp
If using the FTP VFS driver for the file manager, the FTP PHP module isrequired.
PEAR Modules
PEAR is short for 'PHP Extension and Application Repository'. The goal ofPEAR is to provide a means of distributing reusable code.
For more information, see
Make sure you are running a supported (i.e. new enough)version of PEAR: use the test script described below under'`Testing Horde Groupware`_'. Do not use the PEARversion from
Check that the path where the PEAR packages are installed are part of theinclude_path parameter that PHP uses to find PEAR packages.
Run the command:
You will see something like:
Now open the php.ini file of your system, for example /etc/php.ini,find the include_path and make sure that /usr/share/php is part ofthe list. If you had to change that value, restart the web server aftersaving php.ini.
If you are going to install Horde the recommended way,i.e. using the PEAR installer, you can skip the remainder ofthis section. Installing Horde through PEAR willautomatically download and install all required PEARpackages.
These PEAR packages are REQUIRED to be installed:
Horde Groupware Webmail Edition uses the Date package for various datecalculations.To install, enter the following at the command prompt:
These PEAR packages are RECOMMENDED to be installed:
If installed, it will be used instead of the built-in PHP functiongethostbyaddr() for host name lookups. This has the advantage thatNet_DNS2 has configurable timeouts and retries.To install, enter the following at the command prompt:
Services_Weather (>= 1.3.1)
REQUIRED only if you wish to use the block on the portalpage.To install, enter the following at the command prompt:
Additional steps are required if you want use the METAR weather block onthe portal page. See the file data/Services_Weather/buildMetarDB.phpin your PEAR directory for details.
Required only if you use the localhost driver for the Accounts block.To install, enter the following at the command prompt:
These PEAR packages are OPTIONAL to be installed:
Horde Groupware Webmail Edition can use the Date_Holidays package to showseveral sets of national and religious holidays and memorial days. SinceDate_Holidays consists of a number of sub-packages, one for each country,you should install all packages at once:
This method of installing PEAR packages requires that you have a PHP versionthat has been compiled as a static binary. All versions of PHP build bothboth a SAPI module (Apache, CGI, etc.) and a command-line (CLI) binary.Check if you have a php binary in /usr/local/bin (/usr/bin if youinstalled from an operating system package) before recompiling.
For more detailed directions on installing PEAR packages, see the PEARdocumentation at
Additional PECL Modules
PECL is short for 'PHP Extension Community Library'. The goal of PECL isto provide a means of easily distributing PHP extensions.
For more information, see
When you install a PECL extension, you have to add it to your php.iniso it gets loaded. Add the following line to your php.ini file to loadthe extension (the extension should be installed in the directory specifiedby the extension_dir option in php.ini):
Or on Windows:
After that, restart your webserver.
These PECL modules are RECOMMENDED to be installed if you needadvanced functionality:
The imagick module can be used by Horde's image library to provide allkind of image manipulations.
To install, enter the following at the command prompt:
If the horde_lz4 extension is available, Horde can perform real-timecompression on data, resulting in reduced storage load on the server forthings like cache storage and session data. It is highly recommended.
To install, enter the following at the command prompt:
If using the memcached SessionHandler, the memcache PECL extension mustbe installed.
To install, enter the following at the command prompt:
The http extension, if installed, will be used instead of PHP'sfopen() when retrieving data from external HTTP servers (remotecalendars, web APIs, etc.). This is much more reliable and flexible, soit recommended to either install this or enable the curl extension.
To install, enter the following at the command prompt:
The following non-PHP prerequisites are RECOMMENDED:
aspell - Spelling Checker
Aspell, a comand-line program, is used as Horde Groupware's spell-checkingengine. You must install and configure aspell to use Horde Groupware'sspell-check feature.
Version 0.60 or higher is REQUIRED.
You can obtain aspell from:
Sendmail or SMTP server.
Horde Groupware sends mail via either a local sendmail or a remote SMTPserver. It is RECOMMENDED that SMTP be used.
FTP server.
If using a FTP backend for the file manager, you must have at least oneFTP server.
ElasticSearch server.
An ElasticSearch server or cluster running on localhost can be used toprovide indexing of bookmarks data and quick searching of the indexedcontent.
The RECOMMENDED way to install Horde Groupware is using the PEAR installer.
3.1 Installing with PEAR
First you need to register the Horde PEAR channel server to your local PEARsystem. This has to be done only once ever on a single PEAR system:
Next install a so-called 'role' for Horde. This role defines where HordeGroupware is supposed to be installed. This should be a directory in your webserver's web root, e.g. /var/www/groupware. Again this has to be done onlyonce ever on a single PEAR system:
When installing Horde Groupware through PEAR now, the installer willautomatically install any dependencies of Horde Groupware too. If you want toinstall Horde Groupware with all optional dependencies, but without the binaryPECL packages that have to be compiled, specify both the -a and the -Bflag:
By default, only the required dependencies will be installed:
If you want to install Horde Groupware even with all binary dependencies, youneed to remove the -B flag. Please note that this might also try to installPHP extensions through PECL that might need further configuration or activationin your PHP configuration:
3.2 Installing into separate PEAR
Unless you really know why you want to do this, you probablydo not want to do this. Use the general PEAR installationinstructions from above instead.
If you want to create a separate PEAR installation for installing HordeGroupware, independent from the system-wide PEAR installation, this can be donewith the following commands (in this example, /var/www/groupware is used asthe location of the web-accessible Horde directory):
Then follow the regular installation steps, but use the pear command fromthe PEAR installation you just created, e.g.:
Finally configure your web server in some way to point PHP's include_pathsetting to the PEAR installation and the PHP_PEAR_SYSCONF_DIR environmentvariable to the directory used during the config-create command:
It is recommended to not use the .htaccess file in /var/www/groupware/ toset these values because it will be overwritten with every further update.
Groupware Pdf
3.3 Finishing installation
To finish installation, run the installation script on the command line andanswer all questions:
If you installed Horde Groupware into the global PEAR system, this scriptshould be in your command path. If the script cannot be found in your path, youneed to specify the full path to the script, e.g.:
You can use the pear command to find the place where the script has beeninstalled:
If you installed into a local PEAR installation, you need to tell PHP and PEARwhere to find the installation and the script, e.g.:
Configuring the web server
Horde Groupware requires the following webserver settings. Examples shownare for Apache; other webservers' configurations will differ.
PHP interpretation for files matching *.php:
The above instructions may not work if you have specified PHPas an output filter with SetOutputFilter directive inApache 2.x versions. In particular, Red Hat 8.0 and aboveApache 2.x RPMS have the output filter set, and MUST NOThave the above AddType directive added.
index.php as an index file (brought up when a user requests a URL fora directory):
If you plan to provide ActiveSync support to your users, you have tocreate an alias of the /Microsoft-Servers-ActiveSync URL to/groupware/rpc.php. See for details.
Configuring Horde Groupware
Documentation on the format and purpose of the configuration files in theconfig/ directory can be found in each file. The defaults will becorrect for most sites. If you wish to customize Horde Groupware'sappearance and behavior, create 'local' files for the configuration file youwant to change. For example if you want to change the default value and locka preference, create a config/prefs.local.php file with the followingcontent:
This works with any configuration file.
All configuration files in Horde Groupware are PHP scripts thatare executed by the web server. If you make an error in one ofthese files, Horde might stop working. Thus it is always a goodidea to test the configuration files after you edited them. Ifyou want to test mime_drivers.local.php for example run:
The default configuration stores files uploaded through the file manager inthe SQL database. This is the most compatible configuration but doesn'tscale well, may hit some database server limits, and may only work for verysmall installations. You should configure a different backend as soon aspossible. See gollem/config/backends.php andgollem/config/backends.d/10-groupware.php for details.
Setting up alarm emails
If you want your users to be able to receive emails from the Horde_Alarmsystem, you must set up a cron entry for horde-alarms, youmust have at least one administrator specified in the Horde configuration,and you must have the PHP CLI installed (a CGI binary is not supported -php -v will report what kind of PHP binary you have).
Running the job every 5 minutes is recommended:
If not installing Horde Groupware through PEAR or if PEAR's bin_dirconfiguration doesn't point to /usr/bin/, replace/usr/bin/horde-alarms with the path to the horde-alarms script inyour Horde installation.
Testing Horde Groupware
Once you have configured your webserver, PHP, and Horde Groupware, bring upthe included test page in your web browser to ensure that all necessaryprerequisites have been met. If you installed Horde Groupware as describedabove, the URL to the test page would be:
Check that your PHP version is acceptably recent, that all required modulecapabilities are present, and that magic_quotes_runtime is set toOff. Then note the Session counter: 1 line under PHP Sessions,and reload the page. The session counter should increment.
If you get a warning like Failed opening '/path/to/test.php' forinclusion, make sure that the web server has the permission to read thetest.php file.
Securing Horde Groupware
Global Passwords
Some of Horde Groupware's configuration files contain passwords whichlocal users could use to access your database. It is recommended toensure that at least the Horde Groupware configuration files (inconfig/) are not readable to system users. There are .htaccessfiles restricting access to directories that do not need to be accesseddirectly; before relying on those, ensure that your webserver supports.htaccess and is configured to use them, and that the files in thosedirectories are in fact inaccessible via the browser.
An additional approach is to make Horde Groupware's configuration filesowned by the user root and by a group which only the webserver userbelongs to, and then making them readable only to owner and group. Forexample, if your webserver runs as www.www, do as follows:
User Passwords
Unless steps are taken to avoid it, there are two channels by which HordeGroupware can cause users to pass their IMAP/POP3 passwords across thenetwork unencrypted.
The first channel is between the browser and the Web server. We stronglyrecommend using an SSL-capable Web server to give users the option ofencrypting communications between their browser and the Web server onwhich Horde Groupware is running. Some sites may wish to disable non-SSLaccess entirely.
The second channel is between the Web server and their authenticationbackend. The simplest way to avoid this is to have the authenticationsource running on the same system as the Web server, and configuringHorde Groupware to connect to the backend on localhost instead of onthe Internet hostname. In cases where that is not possible, it is highlyrecommended that the backend be located on a private, secure network.Alternatively, the backend may be accessed via TLS to ensure that users'passwords remain safe after they have entrusted them to Horde Groupware(this is the default configuration).
Other security steps you can take to increase security include:
- Use session cookies instead of URL based sessions.
- Set your php session.entropy_length to a larger value (e.g. 16) andsession.entropy_file to a random source (e.g. /dev/urandom)
- If your database, mail server, and web server are on the same hostmachine, then:
- Use unix socket database access and disable TCP database access.
- Use localhost for all TCP/IP connections to avoid the network, orrun all services on a local, private network.
Session data -- including hashed versions of your users' passwords, insome applications -- may not be stored as securely as necessary.
If you are using file-based PHP sessions (which are the default), besure that session files are not being written into /tmp withpermissions that allow other users to read them. Ideally, change thesession.save_path setting in php.ini to a directory onlyreadable and writeable by your webserver.
Additionally, you can change the session handler of PHP to use anystorage backend requested (e.g. SQL database) via the Custom SessionHandler tab in the Horde setup.
For more information about securing your webserver, PHP and Horde Groupware,see the docs/SECURITY file.
Various Horde Groupware applications will generate temporary files in PHP'stemporary directory (see the General tab in the Horde setup). For variousreasons, some of these files may not be removed when the user's sessionends. To reclaim this disk space, it may be necessary to periodically deletethese old temporary files.
An example cron-based solution can be found athorde/scripts/temp-cleanup.cron in PEAR's data_dir directory. Anotherpossible solution is to use utilities like tmpwatch, tmpreaper oranything similar to remove old files.
Stale sessions are automatically pruned by PHP according to thesession.gc_probability, session.gc_divisor, andsession.gc_maxlifetime settings located in php.ini. However, thedefault settings are very aggressive: the garbage collection routine runs onaverage 1% of the time a page is loaded. For most installations, a lowergarbage collection rate is recommended (setting session.gc_divisor to 10,000or higher is much more reasonable).
Note for international users: Horde Groupware uses GNU gettext to provide localtranslations of text displayed by applications; the translations are found inthe po/ directory. If a translation is not yet available for your locale (andyou wish to create one), or if you're having trouble using a providedtranslation, please see the docs/TRANSLATIONS file for instructions.
If you encounter problems with Horde Groupware, help is available!
The Horde Frequently Asked Questions List (FAQ), available on the Web at
The Horde Project runs a number of mailing lists, for individual applicationsand for issues relating to the project as a whole. Information, archives, andsubscription information can be found at
There is no separate mailing list for Horde Groupware, please contact themailing list of the component you have problems with, or the Horde mailing listfor general problems and questions.
Groupware Open Source
Lastly, Horde developers, contributors and users may also be found on IRC,on the channel #horde on the Freenode Network (
Please keep in mind that Horde Groupware is free software written byvolunteers. For information on reasonable support expectations, please read
Types Of Groupware
Thanks for using Horde Groupware!
The Horde Team
System Message: ERROR/3 (/usr/local/horde/checkout/horde.git/bundles/groupware/docs/INSTALL, line 278); backlink
Unknown target name: 'testing horde groupware'.Community » Applications » Webmail
Horde Groupware Webmail Edition is a free, enterprise ready, browser based communication suite. Users can read, send and organize email messages and manage and share calendars, contacts, tasks, notes, files, and bookmarks with the standards compliant components from the Horde Project. Horde Groupware Webmail Edition bundles the separately available applications IMP, Ingo, Kronolith, Turba, Nag, Mnemo, Gollem, and Trean.
It can be extended with any of the released Horde applications or the applications that are still in development, like a bookmark manager or a file manager.
Please see the Horde Groupware page for general features of the the Horde Groupware Webmail Edition and the calendar, contacts, tasks, and notes components.
Additional features of Horde Groupware Webmail Edition are:
- IMAP and POP3 webmail client
- 3-pane and 3-column-layouts
- Message filtering
- Message searching
- HTML message composition with WYSIWIG editor
- Spell checking
- Built in attachment viewers
- Encrypting and signing of messages (S/MIME and PGP)
- Quota support
- Keyboard navigation
- Full character set support for folders names and email messages
- Conversation view of all messages in a thread
- Downloading of message attachments in a ZIP file
- Flexible, individual alias addresses
- IMAP folder subscriptions
- Shared IMAP folders
- Graphical emoticons
- Support for mailing list headers
- Forwarding of multiple messages at once
- Attachments sent as links
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