
Official Chromecast Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Chromecast and other answers to frequently asked questions. What is Google Chromecast? Well, there are a couple of them now, so let's start with their common features: the Google Chromecast is a puck-shaped streaming device that lets you beam video.


Via Chrome browser: To start casting visit Crave.ca using the latest version of the Chrome browser on your Windows or Apple computer. Sign in to your account and select a video to watch. Once it begins playing select the cast icon in the video player and choose your cast device to start streaming. If you want to disable Chromecast support in Brave, you can do so here. Chromcast support in Brave is already activated. That should work similarly for all Chromium-based browsers. This also applies to Opera, Vivaldi, Microsoft Edge and of course Google’s Chrome. With only one click, the function can be activated or deactivated.



It's been a while since the release date of chromecast on browsers..Today, year 2020, all the chromium based browsers add chromecast (Edge, brave, chrome, etc..). My favorite browser is firefox, and i am forced to use a chromium based browser to cast to my androidTV's.Sometimes i think to leave this browser and use a chromium based all the time.

Chromecast brave mobile

Chrome Cast Brave World

I searched and installed chromecast extension to firefox and nothing works to me, and they are not user frindly as chromecast extension on chrome.

Brave Chromecast 2020

Can you tell me if you even think in add a chromecast extension in firefox by default?


Chrome Cast Braves



Chrome Cast Brave New World